
The River Haley Miller The River Haley Miller

River Trip Durations - What’s the Difference?

When you browse our list of Montana canoe trip offerings, there are a lot of options. Many ask what difference a day can make. In short, when choosing an itinerary, there are many factors to consider, but, ultimately, your choice might boil down to your schedule. Summer is busy, packed with activities and relatively short, and this is why we offer so many different options. Hopefully, one of our trips fits with your schedule so you can experience our unforgettable Upper Missouri River and be able to spend some time in our great state of Montana.

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The River Haley Miller The River Haley Miller

Geology Spotlight: Eagle Formation and the The White Cliffs of the Missouri River

The geology of this region is fascinating and one of the most enriching parts of this adventure. Learning about the various geologic components and how this magnificent region was created over time is one of our focuses. Arguably the most famous and renown section of the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument is the 46 mile stretch referred to as the ‘White Cliffs.’ This resource explores the geologic formation that encompasses the White Cliffs as well as a few fun features you will see as you paddle and hike within this section of river corridor.

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Resources Haley Miller Resources Haley Miller

Planning a Canoe Trip - Logistics, Maps, Location Information

The planning and logistics of a big trip can be daunting. We are here to help with every aspect of this adventure. Montana is a vast state with large distances between major tourist areas. We have created some visuals here that can help orient you to where the Upper Missouri River is located in relation to other attractions such as Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park and more.

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Montana Haley Miller Montana Haley Miller

Best Montana Sites to Visit Before or After a Canoe Trip

You are traveling to Montana (maybe for the first time), you have booked a multi-day canoe and camping trip with us (hopefully :-), and you are thinking, ‘Well, I am coming all that way, I should probably take a few extra days to explore more of this vast state.’ You nailed it! We love this great state and know there are so, so many places to visit and sites to see and understand the distance between them can be formidable. Thus, we have complied a (very) short list of other recommended places to visit to either compliment your experience on one of our luxury guided canoe & camping trips or offer a contrasting adventure that gives you a multifaceted experience.

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History Haley Miller History Haley Miller

Homesteader Highlight: John Ervin, Upper Missouri River Montana

One of our favorite homesteaders stories is that of John Ervin. He might possibly be the most colorful character amongst the stories contained in our history digest. John’s homestead is located in the Badlands or “Breaks” portion of the monument. We generally stay at a campsite just downriver from his cabin. It is possible to visit the cabin certain times of the year, and if you have time to navigate the often thick willows and brush leading up to the cabin. Mainly, we love picturing John and his life in our of our favorite parts of the entire river.

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History Haley Miller History Haley Miller

Steamboats on the Missouri River - History

Fort Benton, Montana served as the innermost port for shipping and human transportation thanks to the arrival and successful voyages of steamboats. The first steamboat made the journey in 1819. This history is rich, vast and, at times, hard to even imagine. The river remains largely unchanged since this time period (and before), and if you have had the privilege of floating the river, either by canoe, kayak or raft, you will find it absolutely puzzling how those behemoth vessels managed to make their way up the river and back to St. Louis, especially considering the massive amount of cargo and people they brought.

This page serves as a collection of gathered steamboat history and reference point for additional research and learning if you are interested. We will regularly be adding to this page as we collect more!

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History Haley Miller History Haley Miller

Quick Facts about the Missouri River and Name Origin

The Missouri River’s history is profoundly rich and immeasurably impactful on the development of the west and our entire country. The name, Missouri, comes from the Indians that lived in the region, the Missouri and Ottee. From the Siouan language the name was, “Ouemessorita”, (pronounced Oh-ma-sur-ray) which literally means “people of the wooden canoe.” Later anglicized to be spelled and pronounced, Missouri. The Missouri was formed about 30 million years ago. The Missouri River is the longest river in North America and the 4th longest in the world (when combined with the Mississippi River system). There are 10 dams located on the Missouri River in Montana and another 5 dams located in North Dakota and South Dakota.

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Resources Haley Miller Resources Haley Miller

Preparing and Packing for a Canoe Trip

Montana’s Upper Missouri River is a wilderness canoe adventure taking you into the heart of central Montana by way of a mild, meandering river. We have detailed recommendations for what to pack and considerations based on the time of the year. This adventure is appropriate to all ages and ability levels, but it’s still an adventure into the wilderness. Individuals must be prepared – both physically and with proper equipment. We provide most of the necessary gear, but the personal items you bring make a big difference. Montana is also famous for its weather variations, and your equipment, which you carry in your canoe, plays a pivotal role in ensuring you pass through the entire trip, regardless of Mother Nature, in comfort and safety.

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Fun on the River Haley Miller Fun on the River Haley Miller

Mornings on the Banks of the Missouri River

Mornings along the riverbank are undeniably peaceful and inspiring. We love mornings for many reasons, and rarely do we experience a morning that is not positively fabulous. Summer mornings are a long, serene process with several phases culminating in the delicious glow of the sun on your skin as it finally crests over the cliffs. It is the best time for birdwatching and listening to the wildlife wake for the day. We serve fresh, organic coffee before a hearty, homemade breakfast.

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History Haley Miller History Haley Miller

Designating the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument - Proclamation

Those who enjoy the Upper Missouri River today owe a debt of gratitude to those who have worked for the protection that it so eminently deserves. It is remarkably scenic; it provides recreation and serenity for thousands every year; it’s geology is fascinating; it has great potential for restoring native wildlife populations; and it played a leading role in the history of Montana and of the West.

Creation of the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument and National Wild and Scenic River was no easy task and the ensuing battles will be a mark on the areas history forever. Before this magnificent river corridor was a national monument, it was first designated a National Wild and Scenic River.

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Fun on the River Haley Miller Fun on the River Haley Miller

Stargazing on the Upper Missouri River

Whether you are an expert astronomer or simply enjoy the rapture of stargazing, the Upper Missouri River is one of the best places for both. Although we are technically down in a river corridor, the breadth of the sky is still extremely vast. And, if you like, at some campsites you can quickly walk up and out of the river corridor to the expansive prairie above. There is a reason Montana is called the “Big Sky State.” Ah, that moment you finally lay down in your tent, snuggle in your sleeping bag, breathe deep and peer into the endless sea of flickering stars above. As the number of wild places shrinks in our world, so does the dark places. Light pollution is certainly a reality for most people. What is the best way to get away from the dull roar of city lights? Well, go camping in a wild, remote place! Thankfully, Montana still has lots of the aforementioned and coveted forests, rivers and protected public lands.

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History Haley Miller History Haley Miller

Woodhawks and Steamboats of the Upper Missouri River

Woodhawk Creek is named for the men who set up shop on the banks of the Missouri to supply the steamboats with fuel-wood for their boilers, which consumed as many as twenty-five to thirty cords per day (a cord is basically the equivalent of the amount of wood that, when chopped, can fill the bed of a pick up truck). The ‘wookhawks’ were an independent breed of men, and the work they performed was physically demanding. They led an isolated existence and were extremely vulnerable to attacks by hostile Indians. Their lives were dangerous, and often short (okay, Hobbes).

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The River Haley Miller The River Haley Miller

The White Cliffs of the Upper Missouri River - Sample Itinerary and Video

The Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument encompasses 149 rives miles, yet, arguably the most renown and visited section is the 46 miles stretch referred to as “The White Cliffs.” This magnificent section also corresponds with the most famous and portions of the legendary Lewis and Clark Expedition into the West. From the eloquent and mesmerizing descriptions by Meriwether Lewis in his journal entries to the countless modern texts romanticizing the landscape and formations to the innumerable dramatic photographic opportunities along the river, this river section will always be immortalized as a pivotal piece of history. Moreover, it is unique and inspiring in that you can experience the Upper Missouri River much like the early explorers and homesteaders did—undisturbed and magnificent, and hopefully, through continued efforts towards protection and conservation, this area will remain a Wild and Scenic River.

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The River Haley Miller The River Haley Miller

The Upper Missouri River Breaks or 'Badlands' - Sample Itinerary and Video

Within Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument, the last section, river miles 88.5 to 149 or Judith Landing to James Kipp Recreation Area, is generally referred to as the “Breaks'“ or “Badlands” of the Upper Missouri River. Although not as famous as the White Cliffs, most guides and folks who have done both sections will report that the Badlands are their favorite. The two sections are wildly different in geology, topography, hikes, sites and wildlife. The Badlands are generally less travelled and have only one developed campsite. There are several in-tact homesteads to explore, bighorn sheep to hopefully spot and vast, towering landscape surrounding you. The ‘Breaks’ refers to how the land appears from above - it appears as though the braided, twisted and numerous drainages leading down to the river have broken the landscape.

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The River Haley Miller The River Haley Miller

Upper Missouri River from the Sky

In June 2019, we were fortunate enough to be invited by the infamous Glenn Monahan on a flight tracing the Upper Missouri River from Helena to Fred Robinson Bridge. These photos are a journey from the sky of our favorite places on the river. They truly make evident the vast expanse beyond the shores of the river, and, moreover, the deep, twisting, braided gullies, coulees and drainages that form the lower section of the Upper Missouri River Breaks. The images of this landscape evoke power, magnitude and majesty. Who would have thought a river flowing through the prairie would command this presence.

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The River Haley Miller The River Haley Miller

Hiking in the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument via River

Hiking and off-trail exploration opportunities abound within the 149 mile stretch of the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument. There are certainly areas and trails that are heavily visited - mainly because of their accessibility and because, well, they are amazing. Then, there are areas that are largely unexplored with no established, worn trails but rather vast swaths of open range or steep coulees winding away from the river’s edge and up towards the prairie lands above.

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Montana Haley Miller Montana Haley Miller

Ultimate Montana Small Town Summer Adventure

Experience small town Montana summer fun with festivals, fourth of July celebrations, history and outdoor adventure. This two week itinerary offers options for hiking, camping, canoeing, rodeos, hot springs and plenty of mingling with the locals from street fairs to parades. Come to our state and stay a while!

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