Mornings on the Banks of the Missouri River

Mornings along the riverbank are undeniably peaceful and inspiring. We love mornings for many reasons, and rarely do we experience a morning that is not positively fabulous. Because we are in the river corridor and along the river bank, summer mornings (and evenings) are a long, serene process with several phases culminating in the delicious glow of the sun on your skin as it finally crests over the cliffs.

Mornings are the best time of the day for birdwatching. We typically camp in or near a grove of mature cottonwood trees, which is prime bird habitat. The Upper Missouri River Breaks boasts a teeming array of bird species. We regularly see birds of prey, or raptors, such as eagles, hawks, owls, and falcons soaring, hunting and perched along the riverbank. This habitat boasts 27 species of waterfowl including, ducks, geese, and swans. We love the magnificent migratory pelicans and their fellow shorebird and wading birds which also include herons, egrets, pelicans, sandpipers, and plovers, many of which travel exceptional distances to spend part of their life cycle on the river and prairie. Harder to spot, but equally magnificent are the wide range of perching birds, kingfishers and woodpeckers. Their vibrancy and symphony of songs is especially robust in the morning hours. Occasionally we are able to spot upland game birds, such as wild turkeys or pheasants. Needless to say, if you are a bird enthusiast, the morning is your best bet to spot a variety of birds.

A Typical Morning on the Upper Missouri River

Around 6:00am, one can expect a freshly brewed cup of organic coffee (more on this later). We also have hot water available for tea and hot chocolate enthusiasts. The guides’ tents will have magically disappeared into the coffers of their dry bags, and they will have already began preparing breakfast. We typically try to serve breakfast between 7:00-8:00am depending on the schedule for the day. Prior to breakfast, we encourage everyone to have a seat, enjoy a steaming cup of joe and absorb the splendor of the morning. Some folks like to take a fishing pole down to the river bank, others like to stretch their legs a bit and take a short stroll. This is a great time to reflect on the previous day and enthusiastically welcome the activities to come.

After breakfast, the guides will be scurrying about washing dishes, packing up the kitchen and the rest of camp. Folks are encouraged to get their personal items situated, sleeping bags packed and Thermarests rolled up. The guides will come around and take down the tent, or, alternatively, if you are the type of person who likes to participate in camp activities, feel free to learn how to efficiently pack away the tent.

On some days, again, depending on the schedule, we offer short or long hikes post-breakfast before getting in the canoes and adventuring down river for the day. We will make sure you are prepared, informed and know all the options and details. After the guides load the canoes, give a briefing on the day, load the humans in the canoes and away we paddle down river.

We value our peaceful, easy-going mornings, and our goal is to be able to sit down with you and enjoy the pure magnificence of our surroundings.

Wait, what about the coffee?

Yes, this is a very important question, indeed. For some people (me included), coffee is a pivotal and highly enjoyable part of the day. Can one live without coffee? Maybe, but why?? That sultry aroma, that rich flavor, the steam, the slight caffeine buzz: yes, coffee matters. We are dedicated to making this morning ritual as satisfying as any other part of our guide service. For this reason, we do NOT employ cheap coffee. No ma’am. In fact, we utilize fair-trade, organic ground coffee from a company called, Café Mam. Our dear friend and fellow gardener, Jim Barngrover, is our local supplier of this life elixir. Jim is also the founder of Timeless Natural Food: “America’s only gourmet line of heirloom organic lentils and specialty grains” grown locally by farmers across Montana. We also proudly serve a variety of these lentils and grains.

Cafe Mam:

Since 1990, Café Mam (say 'mom') has been committed to sourcing only 100% fair trade, organic and shade-grown coffee from indigenous cooperatives. Café Mam coffee is grown by native Maya farmers living in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. The growers, primarily of the Mam, Tzetzal and Mochó peoples, are organized according to egalitarian democratic ideals that emphasize hard work, responsibility to the cooperative, and high standards. The cooperatives' programs provide countless benefits to outlying native communities.

The farmers believe that by taking care of the soil, they are taking care of the entire biosystem. Their beliefs and sustainable approaches to agriculture benefit their communities in many positive ways. Café Mam farmers seek to conserve and rebuild the natural environment and work toward a higher quality of life for their families.

Each purchase of Café Mam coffee helps support these goals: Honoring and healing the earth; Self-sufficiency and political independence; Sustainable development of rural communities; Child welfare, including education & nutrition; Defense of indigenous cultural identity; Education in organic agriculture; Promotion of progressive groups. Learn more about Cafe Mam.

How do we prepare coffee for a large group?

Another poignant question. We heat a large stock pot of water (which we carried with us, not siphoned from the Missouri River :-). In the pot of water, we place a large, fine mesh bag similar to a massive reusable tea bag with the appropriate amount of grounds for the amount of water. (Absolutely no weak coffee allowed.) We procure these coffee bags from one of our favorite river supply companies: Wet Dreams River Supply. They sew these and other amazing products designed for river camping. After the coffee is finished brewing on a slow rolling boil, we remove the bag and pour the rich elixir into insulated growlers to stay piping hot. Grab your complimentary insulated and lidded Upper Missouri River Guides branded coffee mug, head over to the table and doctor your fresh brew with real half and half and turbinado sugar. For those souls who are not hooked on the coffee, we offer an array of herbal or caffeinated tea as well as hot chocolate. Have a seat and enjoy.

What’s on the Breakfast Menu?

Here are a few of our favorite breakfasts to prepare for our groups. Find our more about our love of good food and browse our full sample menu: Click here.

***Gluten free, vegan and vegetarian options are available for those who have indicated their allergies.

  • Blueberry pancakes with homemade raspberry syrup. Served with ham and fresh fruit and maple syrup.

  • Fresh egg scramble (guides choice) with hand-cut, seasoned breakfast potatoes, homemade venison or elk breakfast sausage and freshly-cut cantaloup.

  • Breakfast sandwiches: English muffin, herbed cheese, scrambled egg, sauteed peppers and onion and, of course, bacon! Served with fresh fruit.

  • Cinnamon, vanilla French toast with strawberry, rhubarb sauce, served with sausage links and fresh fruit.

  • Breakfast burritos: scrambled egg with sauteed peppers and onions, hashbrowns, melted cheese, chorizo sausage, smothered in seasoned sauce.

Does any of this sound appealing? I would think so! Consider talking to your friends and family about joining a trip with us. You can find out more and see our full summer schedule on our Guided Trips page. As always, contact us to chat.


Preparing and Packing for a Canoe Trip


Designating the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument - Proclamation